After the harsh anti-LGBT+ act came into effect in Uganda earlier this year, LGBT+ people are being attacked by their families, their communities, their churches, and society.

They are facing a new emergency: a mental health crisis.

UCAA-UG, a local organization, wants to support up to 100 LGBT+ Ugandans with mental health care and training, but they need your urgent support.

"With the recent approval of Anti-Homosexuality Law, life keeps becoming more and more difficult for LGBT+ people and human rights defenders in Uganda.

Our mental health is in shambles."

– Tom Twongyeirwe (he/him)

National Coordinator at the Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans Uganda (UCAA-UG)

UCAA-UG will help 60 LGBT+ victims of violence, discrimination, and torture with the psychological and psychiatric support they need and deserve.

UCAA-UG will train 40 people from across Uganda to provide mental health first aid to LGBT+ people. So, if someone is feeling their mental health is fragile, or if they're considering suicide, for example, they'll have someone in their region who'll be able to help them get through the emergency.

About UCAA

The Universal Coalition of Affirming Africans Uganda is an independent and non-partisan, human rights organization which seeks to advocate for the respect of human rights of the most marginalized with specific focus on LGBTQ+ people, Women and Persons Living with Disabilities in Uganda using a faith-based approach.

With as many people as you can!

This is a crowdfunding campaign, which means we need a lot of people to donate.

Together, those collective donations will fund UCAA-UG’s critical work.